Optimising Preconception Health + Assisted Reproductive Treatment Outcomes

Fertility, IVF & Exercise

As a practitioner supporting clients through ART & fertility journeys, understanding the key components influencing female and male fertility and impacts of exercise prescription variables on factors affecting fertility is vital. Understand more with this comprehensive look at fertility. 
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Learning Outcomes

Understand more with this comprehensive look at reproductive physiology, ART's including IVF and optimising both male and female fertiltiy factors.

1 Describe key components influencing female and male fertility.

2 Identify the impacts of prescription variables on factors affecting fertility.

3 Compare common Assisted Reproductive Treatments and considerations for exercise prescription.

4 Appraise and apply the principles to formulate an exercise prescription prior to and during fertility treatment.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Dr Cecilia Kitic

Dr. Kitic is an Exercise Physiologist with a Ph.D. in Exercise Immunology and over 20 years of research experience in understanding how exercise affects the body. She is also a Senior University Lecturer in Exercise Prescription at CQ University.

Dr. Kitic runs The IVF Project, a world-first online exercise prescription service for women and men undergoing fertility treatments. Having experienced infertility and multiple cycles of IVF, Dr. Kitic wanted everyone to have access to evidence-based clinical exercise prescription to improve their chance of conception.

Find Cecilia at @theivfproject on Instagram.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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